Friday, October 3, 2014


A perfect morning is one that starts out with a fresh cup of pumpkin spice coffee (yes, super basic) and a little John Mayer. He just knows how to play all the right songs at all the right times! Okay, its not John Mayer personally, but my Pandora is on key this morning!

Right now I am listening to Clarity by him, and it just opens up my soul hearing his words. It makes me feel so light and free, as if nothing in that moment matters. Do you ever have those moments of “clarity?”

Well my main topic for today is living unchained and free. Living with no restrictions, and knowing that this life we live is beyond precious and amazing! Do you have dreams that you have been holding back on? Do you have places and faces you have wanted to see, but you just never get “around” to it? What is holding you back? Why are you waiting!? FREE YOURSELF! Adventures, new places and faces are always waiting for you right around the corner, so why wait?

I am sure most of you reading this are saying it is due to money restrictions, time constraints, etc, but do those things really stop you from living the life you should? We only get one of these crazy, amazing, wonderfully beautiful lives, so why not take full advantage of what it has to offer.

If you want to travel, then travel. If you want to eat that carb loaded donut, eat that damn donut! If you want to adopt a little furry friend, then just freaking do it! Life is to short to wonder about the “what ifs” and “can I really do that?’ Why yes you can, my friend!

Now I am not saying go out and get plastered every night, or do some bad drugs ( I aint about that life), but I am saying enjoy! Indulge! GO do all those things YOU have always wanted to do!

My challenge for everyone who actually reads my blog is to make two bucket lists. (yes I said two!) One will be for the rest of your life. This is for the big things such as huge vacations, visiting every NFL stadium before you die (my ultimate bucket wish) and so forth. Now, the second bucket list I want to you to make it more of a weekly list. This is one you will continue to make every week forever! This can be something as simple as “I will finally go to that new little coffee shop I have always wanted to try!” or “ I am going to smile at a stranger, just because I can!”


So I challenge you, the reader to my bucket list challenge. I am hoping it will bring some joy into all of your lives, and that it will open your eyes to the amazingness this world, and life have to offer!

On that note, I need to get back to work! I have students to help and lives to change!

Until I ramble again, cheers!

The Rambling Cat Lady


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